In the event that you should become involved in some sort of car accident and be unfortunate enough to have received injuries resulting from the negligence or fault of the other driver, there are several important points which you should be aware of. The car accident settlement you receive should provide you the means towards recouping your lost funds and securing the appropriate medical treatment relative to your car accident injury.
In the majority of car accident settlement cases, the issues are successfully settled without the necessity of a court trial. Interesting to note, is that not every car accident settlement case ends up with the proper judgment that it should have.
Often times you will discover that a token settlement has been offered by the insurance company immediately following an accident in the hopes that the unknowing victim will quickly accept the offer prior to obtaining the services of a competent attorney. Sometimes the victims do accept these meager sums for their suffering and medical expenses; often later to their regret. On occasion these offers are even made while the victim is still receiving necessary medical care.
It cannot be stressed enough that neither the victim nor their family accepts any sort of compensation and/or settlement for a car accident prior to consulting with their attorney. The attorney will sit down with the victim and discuss the sum of the settlement for which the victim may be entitled, as well as other pertinent information relating to the car accident.
Usually, exact numbers can not be provided in car accident settlement cases because there are many factors that prominently figure into the sum. However, should you come close to what the attorney estimates, then you can consider your case well represented and handled. You will usually find several factors that can guide you on whether your settlement offer is fair and should be accepted. An old rule of thumb, used even today by many accident specialists, is that you have a successful claim when the defendant has paid more money than he desired to pay as well as the plaintiff receiving less money than he planned to receive.
In a car accident settlement, the damages that are calculated are often reasonably thought out and your injury agreement in this case may be fair. When the insurance adjuster and your attorney are computing your potential value for your car accident settlements, there are many factors to consider such as your lost wages, the associated pain and suffering and your decreased quality of life, as well as the related punitive damages. These figures tend to drive up your final settlement value. It is not unusual for the injured party not to know that these extra payoffs are not initially included within the beginning offers of a car accident injury settlement. Most of the time, they are included as sums after the main settlement value has been determined.
However, usually the car accident settlement being offered is generally much less then would be won in a court of law should the case be taken to court. In unusual situations, where more then one party may be at fault, all this has to be accounted for. This becomes very complex should one of the involved parties deemed at fault not be able to contribute toward the settlement.
In car accident settlements you should immediately consult with your attorney prior to accepting any insurance settlement presented to you by way of the other party. Should you recently have been involved with a car accident or collision, it is imperative to seek out the legal remedies at your disposal by contacting your nearest car accident or motorcycle lawyer.